“The Kinap”
“The Kinap” (pronounced Ginap) is a six-part drama series about Albert, a middle aged Mi’kmaw wise man whose spiritual and practical powers have established him as the embodiment of a true local “Kinap”; a mythical figure of Mi’kmaw folklore revered for their transcendent gifts.
“The Kinap” is ultimately a story about the coming together of two very Canadian cultures; one timely, the other timeless. And how – in the end – they have much in common as they both deal with the challenges of finding one’s way in a complicated world.
Albert’s reputation as a fair and insightful figure within his Mi’kmaw community eventually spreads beyond the reservation, resulting in regular visits from non-aboriginals of the area also seeking his assistance with the challenges of their modern lives. This sets up an inevitable crosscultural friction, as we see Albert trying the reconcile the clamour of his client’s fast modern lives with the more holistic, measured mindfulness of traditional Mi’kmaw ways.
“The Kinap” will introduce characters wrestling with deep and complex interpersonal and emotional issues. No character is perfect or one-dimensional -- all have foibles and many are fighting internal demons. However, we intend to temper the drama with characteristic Mi’kmaw good humour. Although the series is set on a mythical Mi’kmaw reservation on Unama’ki (Cape Breton Island), the characters and storylines are drawn from the very real knowledge and advice of consultants from Cape Breton’s Eskasoni and Membertou Mi’kmaw First Nations, giving the series a very strong regional reflection.
“The Kinap” is an English language drama but the Mi’kmaw language will be spoken regularly, perhaps in short sentences such as a greeting, but sometimes in longer conversations that will be translated. The Unama’ki Indigenous community has a wealth of consultants willing to work with producers to do translations as well as to check for cultural accuracy. Two such highly-respected
people are Elder Dr. Albert Marshall, an educator and spiritual advisor from Eskasoni First Nation, and Elder Jane Meader, an educator and spiritual advisor who is a leader in her community of Membertou First Nation and respected as a champion of the Mi’kmaw language and culture. Recognized in academia as highly respected educators, both Elders are regarded within the
Mi’kmaw territory and beyond as extremely knowledgeable culturally, linguistically and spiritually.
For more information contact:
J. Hank White or Yvonne Mosley
Producer Executive Producer
Stone Cold Productions BLUE DORY PRODUCTIONS
stonecoldproductions@gmail.com yvonnefmosley@gmail.com
coming soon

Directors: TBA
Screenwriter: Joseph G. LeClair and Hank White
Genre: Psychological Thriller​